Do You Know About The Bad Effects Of Your Favourite Drinks On You?

Many of us are fond of some kind of drinks, especially in summers. But we don’t know there are some drinks we should avoid to have. Check out these drinks we have listed.

1. Juice

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Whether it’s fresh squeezed or pasteurized and from a carton, the juice is a fast way to add calories. One cup of orange juice can have as many calories as 6 oranges, as well as sugar. While not all juice is created equally well fresh squeezed is better than concentrate, an 8-ounce glass can set you back about 120 to 150 calories. Rather, have a piece of fruit with breakfast because the pulp will improve fill you up and give you fiber and drink water with a slice of citrus.

2. Sugary Coffee Drinks

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Dunkaccino, Frappuccino, mochaccino: They all fill with sugar and calories around up to 1,000 of them. The only waistline-friendly is a cappuccino just espresso and milk. Avoid sugary syrups, chocolate shavings, whipped toppings, and caramel. Though, they contain caffeine.

3. Soda

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Dark cola may already be on your ‘don’t drink’ list and lemon-lime sodas, tonic water, and ginger ale aren’t good either. Any 16-ounce one has about 13 teaspoons of sugar, which is more than your suggested intake in a whole day. The American Heart Association suggests women should have no more than six teaspoons. Sure, a ginger ale when your tummy aches or cola. Just don’t make a habit out of it.

4. Sweetened Nut Milk

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There’s a problem with coconut, hemp, almond, rice, hazelnut, and et al: Unless you buy the unsweetened version, you’re just adding extra sugar. And, since plant-based milk is lower in protein than animal or soy milk, you’re not gaining much good stuff, either. So grab one that says unsweetened on the label, and enjoy your milk in its purest form.

5. Premixed Alcoholic Beverages

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Margaritas, sour-mix, daquiris, and pina coladas, they often include icky preservatives, the added sugar from mixers can make you super dry by expediting the dehydration that already happens when you drink booze. Skip the mixers and make your own margs from scratch or choose spirit-of-choice on the rocks or with club soda.

6. Protein Shakes

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Are you an athlete, you can have a pre-made protein shake. Only when you’re in a pinch to meet your energy needs. If you’re not, then skip these. Muscle milk and powdered shakes serve to be loaded with sugar and unnecessary nutrients. A good rule of thumb: eat your protein, Drink your water, Traditional sources like milk, eggs, yogurt, seafood, chicken, and leaf beef are always a better choice.

7. Sports Drinks

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If you’re not a high-performance athlete, you don’t require an electrolyte replacement drink to help you stay energetic and at the top of your game. These drinks are meant to help athletes stay energized and properly hydrated from the right scale of readily available carbs and replete minerals (sodium, chloride, and potassium). They’ll add calories, and if you have a sensitive stomach, they may also make you a little nauseous. Better to Stick with water.

8. Pre-Bottled Smoothies

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Even if they declare to have ‘no sugar added’ these fall into the junk-that’s-perceived-as-health-food class. They get away with the title by using sugar in the form of fruit puree, which adds calories in increasing to sweetness. Skip these and make smoothies at home from frozen fruit.

9. Sweetened Icedtea

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If it’s pre-sweetened, it’s not for you. You’re better off ordering an unsweetened version and adding a teaspoon of sugar on your own for sweetness. That way, you can manage how much you add and cut the total sugar level by more than half.

10. Sneaky Sparkling Waters

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Always check labels for artificial sweeteners like aspartame, acesulfame-K, saccharin, sucralose, are a few on water labels. While they may not be bad for your health, not all flavored water was produced equal. It’s better to just treat yourself to the random Diet Coke.

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